When COVID-19 descended upon our society in mid-March, many businesses found themselves forced into an unexpected and unprecedented holding pattern. As we wait out the impact of the global pandemic and navigate these unchartered waters, a strong communication game has become front and center in the savvy business owner’s toolkit to stay on the minds of its customers. If you know me, you know communication is one of my favorite topics under normal conditions. So, during times when face to face opportunities are almost non-existent, I am constantly reinforcing the importance of the communication game – now more than ever. Let’s drill down a bit about what your communication strategy should be encompassing during these difficult times and check out a few examples of creative delivery.

Communication Strategies In The Pandemic Times

More Important Than Ever:

  • Focus on quality over quantity.

    I can’t tell you how many companies have sent me emails with a word-for-word recap of updates from the CDC or major news outlets. My email inbox on any given day is overloaded, but during this time period, it’s even more intense. The companies that take the time to send me thoughtful, unique information that I haven’t seen anywhere else are showing me that they care about me as a customer or a part of their audience.

  • Be vulnerable, be real.

    In times like these, we have seen leaders, celebrities and influential personalities show up in different ways. We’ve watched them struggle. We’ve witnessed their fear. We’ve even (in some cases) seen them cry. Now more than ever, we have empathy and compassion for one another. While you craft up your communication style and strategy, don’t be afraid to keep it real, to get real. It’s a tough time for all of us collectively. We can stay positive while also showing our hearts. In fact, that authenticity is likely to resonate more with your audience than ever before.

  • Don’t be afraid to quantify, but be wise.

    Many business leaders have been grappling with how to toggle between compassion for our situation and feeding their own struggling bottom line. Of course, we as owners and leaders want to be empathetic and compassionate to the financial struggles of our customers, but we can get comfortable with the mix of free offerings and paid products or services.

  • Plan for your reopening now.

    There will be a reopening at some point in the future, this much we know is true. We don’t exactly know when or how, but we know it will come. If you have a brick and mortar location, it is prudent for you and your team leaders to use this time wisely to develop a plan on how you will comply with local and national requirements as well as the ways you will communicate with your customers. Keeping in mind that many customers may be leery to venture out into the world for fears of the virus spreading when things open, communication of your plans can restore confidence that you are being proactive in your efforts to promote the safety of your community.

Communication strategies are more important during these tumultuous times than ever before. Yes, we are distant from our customers, so it may seem like the more communication, the better. Yes, you should step up your communication game. However, simply bombarding your audience with communication that doesn’t have thought, heart and strategy behind it is guaranteed to get you lost in the noise at best, and at worse, it can create a negative impact. If you are grappling with ways to find your communication flex, I can help. Virtual meetings are the new normal, and Xandra Marketing is virtually available to assist.

Let's Discuss Ways To Nail Your Strong Communication Strategy!